Dignilogue med Evelin Lindner i Arne Næss-stolen Fredag 11. mars 19:00

Deep Dao Dialogue

Velkommen til Dignilogue med Evelin Lindner i Arne Næss-stolen
På medlemsmøtet i mars inviterer vi til dialog med Dr. med. og Dr. psychol. Evelin Lindner, grunnlegger av Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
Evelin sier: "It is my life-project to build Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) as a global fellowship of concerned academics and practitioners. We are now ca. 1,000 people, globally, and ca. 40,000 people from more than 180 countries read our website per year. The vision for our network is to serve as a global enabling platform, giving space and encouragement to people who wish to dignify our world and transcend humiliation. We wish to stimulate systemic change, globally and locally, to open space for equality in dignity and mutual respect and esteem to take root and grow, thus ending humiliating practices and breaking cycles of humiliation throughout the world."
Du kan lese mer om Evelin og HumanDHS her.
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