True to Life - a film by William Jobling

LAUNCH - 18.00, 21 December, 2018 at Norsk Taiji Senter

True to Life

True to Life is a cinematic essay portraying the spiritual ideas of Pamela Hiley, a British born Taiji master living in Norway. This is a unique exploration of Daoist philosophy, seen through the eyes of a master practitioner of one of the most sophisticated martial arts in the world. The film is structured as a guided meditation into the spirituality of the Dao, exploring subjects of breathing, balance, defence, neutralising conflict and moving beyond polarity. It also discusses Pamela’s ideas on moving beyond religion and into a more profound connection to what it is to be a spiritual human being. 

The film is shot in Norsk Taiji Senters premisses in the centre of Oslo and on Tron Fjell. The rest was shot on a trip to China that was organised by the Beijing Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries together with Norsk Taiji Senter. Pamela firmly establishes China as the place where Taiji originates from and most of the footage from the trip shows imagery of China full of its ancient symbolism. The dialogue has a focus that is always looking beyond China, towards the universal boundlessness of the Dao. 

The film is made with the hope of creating a deep and intricate understanding of  spiritual ideas, in a clear and simple language. It is also a meeting with a powerful female voice that talks in a compassionate and firm way about how we need to feel the suffering of the poorest child and the weakest mother, and wake up to the feeling that we are all one!

The film is based on one to one dialogue between William Jobling, the director of the film and Pamela Hiley.  

About the director

William Jobling (born 1974) is a filmmaker based in Oslo. William has since his mid 20s had an interest in the mystic traditions of the world. He has studied Shamanism with both the Sami indigenous people of Norway, and the the Kaxinawá people of Brazil. One of his motivations for going into film making has been that he believes that the totality of the filmic experience can open up for more complex discussions on mystical subjects that are often trapped by language and words. 


Vi har åpent hus for alle hver mandag fra kl 16:00 – 17:00 hvis du er interessert i å lære mer om senteret og hva vi tilbyr .

For videre info og andre spørsmål send email til Pamela Hiley: eller ring på tlf 911 60 581

Motta nyheter og invitasjon til kurs:

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Taiji er det første jeg gjør når jeg står opp om morgenen. Jeg trener taiji for å få fysisk og psykisk styrke. Jeg har en del problemer med balansenerven, men takket være taijien har jeg fått meget god balanse i kroppen. Treningen og meditasjonen som ligger i den, gir også en indre ro som gjør det lettere å takle problemer og smerter i kroppen. I tillegg virker det som om treningen øker immunforsvaret og gir god helse. Ragnhild Moy

Jeg har lært tai chi etter at jeg fylte 60 år. Det er som en gave jeg alltid kan bruke og ta frem, når som helst og hvor som helst. Den gir meg balanse og velvære, en opplevelse av indre styrke og mestring, noe som er svært viktig i min alder. Nora Kremer

Taiji'en er et rom der jeg fokuserer så mye på kroppen at jeg glemmer meg selv og alle trivielle problemer. Når øvelsen er over, kjenner jeg at jeg har vært et annet sted, et sted bekymringer og stress ikke slipper inn. Ekte avkobling. Lars Jansen

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